Established by Musiko Musika in 2009, and based at the Lyric Hammersmith the ECCO (Ethnic Contemporary Classical Orchestras), is a project to create youth music ensembles that reflect the diversity and musical interests of the young players and their families. Rooted in, but not constrained by tradition, the ECCO project is based on the concept of a classical orchestra but reaches far beyond it in terms of instrumentation, repertoire and approach.
The ensemble currently incorporates violin, viola, cello, Kala U Bass, guitar, trumpet, sikus (panpipes), keyboard, tambora costeña, tambora Dominicana, bombo leguero, bombo criollo, cajón, guiro, chajchas, claves, campana, maracas Cubanas, mirdungam, tañador, Native Instruments’ Maschine and Yamaha drum pads. The parents and families of the young musicians are also directly involved in the project, singing and playing in the ensemble alongside their children, and having a key role in connecting the project culturally to the diverse communities of the families.
ECCO @ Lyric

Photo by Harriet Armstrong
ECCO (Saturdays 10.30 - 12.20)
8 - 18 year olds with existing instrumental skills (application for membership by audition)
We rehearse and perform a repertoire of music that encompasses Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America. Performing regularly at the Lyric and elsewhere this is an exciting and dynamic group of experienced young musicians.
If you would like to audition to join the ECCO please use the application form that can be downloaded on this page.
ECCO Young Leaders (Saturdays 13.15 - 15.00)
12 - 18 year olds
The ECCO Young Leaders is an advanced creative and leadership programme for existing members of the ECCO project. The young musicians work as a collective to develop new music and arrangements using music technology and inspired by world music and contemporary culture. Alongside this they use their musical and leadership skills to coach and support younger musicians.
The ECCO is based at the Lyric Hammersmith.
For further information about the ECCO project, our auditions and applications procedure and criteria please email info@musikomusika.org
Completed application forms should be emailed to info@musikomusika.org
Download the application form here: