Ten Training Videos
Musiko Musika’s extensive work with children under 5, their families and the practitioners who work with them has created our unique programme of Songo publications and this series of short “bite-size” training videos. Each video shares a specific aspect of this work and will give anyone working with under-fives useful ideas, techniques and insights into the powerful way that music can be successfully to develop their musical skills alongside speech and language, personal, social and emotional development.
To accompany the training videos on this page we have also created four short “Spotlights on Practice” The PDFs can be downloaded here:
Practitioners: Training and development for long-term impact and implementation
Early Years Settings: The challenges of the diversity and changing environment
Families: Strategies for engagement and adapting our work
Songo and the Early Learning Goals: Tools and approaches to support practitioners
Videos: Songo and the Early Learning Goals
Communication & Language – Pragmatics
Songs that support the development of pragmatics in early speech and language (the use and understanding of language in a social context)
Communication & Language – Prosody & Phonology
Songs and activities that support young children with the development of phonology – producing and articulating the sounds of speech;and prosody
Personal, Social & Emotional Development
Songs that can be used for personal, social and emotional development in the early years
Expressive Arts & Design (Music)
Showing a group of children progressing through musical activities that explore different sounds and textures on circle drums
Expressive Arts & Design (Music)
Showing musical activities to develop the foundations of rhythm and a strong sense of musical pulse
Expressive Arts & Design (Music)
Showing a group of children exploring and using a range of musical instruments to engage their creativity and develop their imagination
Videos: Examples of the delivery of activities using specific songs
First Thing in the Morning
Showing the use of actions and spoken dialogue by the practitioner to develop vocabulary and the use of verbs in different tenses, and to elicit verbal responses and imaginative engagement from the children
Good Morning
Showing the process of learning the song, and activities that provide progression to develop vocal confidence and strong social and communication skills
The Sparkling Sea
Showing the practitioner using creative techniques developing an imaginative use of actions and musical instruments to illustrate the song
Hi There
Showing how the delivery of this song can be adapted as the children progress and become more confident in singing solos
Our project WE ARE HERE!! (2017-2019) worked to improve the speech and language and parallel musical skills of children aged 2 to 5 years, and created a strong infrastructure of support in the practitioners, families and resources, tackling the detrimental social and educational impacts of delayed speech and language development and poor communication skills. In particular our objective was to develop an effective training and development model for early years settings that would ensure that the programme (the songs, activities and underlying approach) was embedded and implemented long-term.
You can read and download the full project report here: Project Reports
The project was funded by: the National Foundation for Youth Music, Dr Edwards and Bishop King’s Fulham Charity, and Hammersmith and Fulham Fast Track